View Profile Smukeeg
Hi, I'm Smukeeg! I enjoy voice acting and I'm (trying) to make some flash cartoons. If you need some voice acting, I'm your girl! Check out my demo and ask me what you need by PMing my or e-mailing me at geekums1@yahoo.com. I'll be glad to help!


Behind the Microphone

Joined on 12/6/08

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780 / 900
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Smukeeg's News

Posted by Smukeeg - April 17th, 2009

I made a new voice demo, it's "Geekums Demo 09"

Posted by Smukeeg - April 7th, 2009

I used my voice in the flash movie: Morality Genocide Ep1. http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/

I was the news reporter (not my best) and the little girl that asks about killing.

Posted by Smukeeg - February 8th, 2009

My voice was used in a game on Newgrounds! Woohoo! I'm one of the helper star fighters in Araian Star Fighter (I think that's how you spell it) on level 5. Hope you play it, it's ton of fun!

Posted by Smukeeg - January 8th, 2009

Hey everyone! I'm a mega geek-nerd-goob when it comes to Resident Evil :D, I'm so excited for the 5th (really like a millionth) installment! I have all of the Resident Evils (excluding the side games) and I have all of the novels by S.D. Perry, Resident Evil Archives, and the new movie Resident Evil Degenration... Oh man I'm excited :D

Posted by Smukeeg - December 31st, 2008

Happy New Years everyone! I hope everyone has a safe and wonderful new year! Woohoo, break out those party favors!

Posted by Smukeeg - December 26th, 2008

Just got Fable II and Left 4 Dead! Very neat games!

Posted by Smukeeg - December 22nd, 2008

Christmas is only a few days away! I love Christmas, it's my favorite holiday in the world! I love the feeling and snow and the music and the movies and EVERYTHING about Christmas! I hope everyone has a safe and wonderful Christmas!

Posted by Smukeeg - December 21st, 2008

My main system rig crashed this morning. I'm deeply angry about it. I believe a Trojan snuck through my crappy virus protection program and terminated some important stuff in my system. I don't know what to do right at the moment! The weather is horrible so I don't wanna bring it anywhere right now.
The only positive thing about it, is that I luckily backed-up all my files BEFORE HAND, so my important stuff is safe... I'm just so pissed, so now I have to use the crappier, watered-down computer.... (bangs head on desk repeatily)

Posted by Smukeeg - December 19th, 2008

I love knicker bockers! What are knicker bockers you ask? They are the 17th and 18th century form of what people call today "slacks" or "pants". Knicks (knix, or nix) were mostly worn by men in the 1600s and 1700s.
In my opinion, knickers are very neat. If you've ever seen an American baseball game, I'm sure you've seen the knickers being worn by some players!
Knickers look very comfy, and usually when I wear sweatpants, I roll them up to make them look like knickers (of course, I wear knee socks to get the WHOLE look and to stay warm).